Friday, July 21, 2023

She who's stands

I once heard it said, in jest,
wife renders, in sanskrit,
She who's stands, 
in opposition.

I am blessed by a woman,
who remains in opposition,
to correct my course,
and reminds me when,
I am full of shit.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

God honored his heart

I hear this day,
a new word,,
of understanding.

In the King James
he hardened,
Pharaoh's heart.

The same word is used
by the  Hebrews,
in the commandment,
to honor your mother,
and father.

So God honored the desire,
of the Pharaoh, to oppress, 
his Hebrew subjects.

He strengthened 
the Pharaoh's free will,
and choice.

Let this be a warning,
to you this day,
watch your desires,
and wishes, because,
God may honor them too.

As he honored, 
the free will and choice
of Christ and Lucifer,
in the first great council.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

On Racing Toward Catastrophe

I saw them today,
racing up a hill,
towards catastrophe.

Like a group of lemmings,
in a Disney, documentary,
or a caboose faithfully,
following, it engine,
off a collapsed bridge.

I am unable to turn back,
this sea of humanity

Their are cars, boats,
and truck's returning,
from a victorious, 

Someone at the top,
just beyond the summit,
is a having the worst day,
of their life.

The RV returning from,
an adventure, is now aflame, 
and I find, I am unable,
to reverse this sea,
of humanity.