Saturday, April 11, 2020

On the baser instincts

Sometimes then,
they do heal,
the relationship.

It is a crime now,
A crime I saught,
all of my life to prevent.

I then failed in my task.

This then the women,
in my life,
then this crime.

You would think I could prevent,
this then, this crime,
this day.

I could not prevent it.

Why must this crime,
this than now, and then
haunt our family,
Know I not now.

Could I heal the breach,

Could I stop the pottery,
from falling and breaking.

I could not then,
I cannot now.

Then on to heal the breach.

Four generations of women,
then in my family,
have suffered this crime.

Why must men then commit this crime?
It haunts us still.

It changes the family, then,
as it changed us now.

Why then desire, then so strong,
in men to procreate,
that they then suffer,
this crime on their woman.

Must life continue at the price,
of damaging the woman,
the seed of the next generations?

Still even being born sterile,
I feel the drive to share my genes,
to another generation.

It is said men think only,
of food and sex.

This then is it true?

Can we not then learn to govern these baser instincts?

Then to heal the generations,
and to create anew,
a family in peace and joy.

Friday, April 10, 2020

On the Redemption of Lucifer.

He was thinking about Lucifer,
this his child,

Lucifer, the son of the morning,
or was he,
the son of the mourning.

How then to redeem Lucifer?
This then his child.
The son of the mourning.

He would if a way could be found.
Redeem Lucifer.

How many times had he walked?
in the Heavens,
in the morning dew,
with Lucifer by his side.

He loved all of His creation,
but the children held a special place,
in his heart.

It was Lucifer who caused,
this great loss.

Lucifer the author of his own,

It was Lucifer who placed himself,
beyond redemption,
of God the Father,
of all creation.

How then to mourn, the loss?
This then day of Lucifer.

The son of the mourning.