Saturday, July 8, 2023

more beautiful, then today

He saw her there, this morning.
behind the counter,
of the gas station.

She must have risen early,
to begin the morning shift.

Her hair all beautifully formed.

She had always been this beautiful,
to him,

He often wondered why,
she selected him.

He had seen her mornings,
in the days before,
when she dyed her hair,
and permed it, so it would take a curl,
from the iron.

He had seen her,
with a burbing cloth, on her back,
from the babies, her and mom raised,

Now their is the grandchild,
she and a daughter are nurturing,
this day.

Her hair is in silver now,
on part from accident,
that restricted a dye job,
and partly as a gift to him,
as he loved her natural beauty.

Yes she had never been more beautiful,
to him, today.

Friday, July 7, 2023

The case for the 8-track

It was there, in the backseat,
of momma's car,
the case for the 8-track.

Momma drove,
one of the last,
large block jukeboxes,
Detroit ever made.

Bill Lear created the format,
A decade before, this day.

It played one hour,
of continuous music,
from that mobile jukebox.

Before it was am radio
you listened to the music,
programed, by the D.J.

Then record players,
but these skipped,
based on the condition,
of the road,

But 8-track, if not rewindable,
was still portable.

You could join the Columbia Record Company,
and for a penny get 8 of these beauties.

Momma played them on longs drives,
with window down,
and the cigarettes she keep hidden
in the jockey box.

Momma needed this break,
with the new discoveries.

Money missing from the credit union
or his latest fling

So if momma needed music,
and a cigarette,
to understand Daddy,
a case could be made,
for the 8-track.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

On the town triangle

On occasion Nora visited,
the town triangle,
in Kemmer WY.

Their a sister,
of marriage but not birth,
lived, nearby.

Who knows or remembers,

Maybe to.eacape the deaths
of Leo and Nada,
a husband and daughter,
taken too soon.

In Kemmer there was,
the former Golden Rule Store, 
the J.C.Penney estate,
and the mother store refounded,
a couple decades before.
on the three corners
of the town, triangle.

Between these were the bars,
of the infamous bar crawl.

Late night, Nora and her sister,
would put their young ones,
to bed and then begin
the bar crawl.

When the young ones knew,
Nora and the sister had began,
a bar crawl, one bar ahead,
of Nora, and the sister,
they would begin a bar crawl.

When it became time for Nora,
and sister to change bars,
friends on the look out,
would send them out the back,
to the next bar.

Nanny told me many times,
of this story, while growing up.

Not sure why this story matters,
or why nanny shared it,
but I share it with you,
with a wink and smile,
for you, to share.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Joseph Smith on forgiveness

"If you do not accuse each other, God will not accuse you. If you have no accuser you will enter heaven, and if you will follow the revelations and instructions which God gives you through me, I will take you into heaven as my back load. If you will not accuse me, I will not accuse you. If you will throw a cloak of charity over my sins, I will over yours — for charity covereth a multitude of sins." (Joseph Smith, DHC 4:445)

Monday, July 3, 2023

Essay on a poem and a change of views

 My birthday is coming up, I was born on July 6,1965. I was my mother's only child born in the summer and in the afternoon. The following day the nurse discovered that I had a clean diaper and that was a bad discovery.  I was born without an anal opening.  Without surgical intervention, I would not live another week.  So, my aunt Anne Herzog and Uncle Deloye drove Dad and me down to the Primary Childrens Hospital in Salt Lake City to see a surgeon.  The surgeon discovered that my body was complete I just required a small slit to make an opening in my anus so I could defecate.  All of my experience since then has been on bonus time.

When I was a month old my parents were sealed, along with my brother Carl, and I, in the Logan LDS Temple. For the previous year, my parents had been participating in Project Temple in preparation for this day. They had married young.  It was a shotgun wedding.  My mother was pregnant but she had lost that first child. When my mother miscarried that first child both sets of parents had urged them to wait until after graduation to marry.  My parents would not hear of it so they both dropped out of high school and a marriage ceremony was arranged. This led to a very rocky start for their marriage.

My father never emotionally mature beyond about 14 years of age.  Both my dad and his father had an undiagnosed form of high-functioning autism with a touch of hyperactivity. These are things I never understand until I was in my late 40’s. For decades I was deeply angry with my mother for the way she raised me. My mother had her own emotional issues as well.  As the child of an alcoholic who had been sexually abused by a close male relative at a young age, she had real problems with physical intimacy that were separate from the sexual act. She also did not trust my dad around other women, when they were separate, for a good reason.

The combination of these two factors left me strongly attracted to my parents if emotionally at a distance. My mom and I were always in a dance, one pulling in while the other pulled away.  We played this dance for decades until her death.  It was near her death when I felt if I lost my mother that I would lose half of my mothers going back to Mother Eve that I felt the pull to repair this relationship with my mother.  To try the dance once more hopefully, both of us come into this dance for the final embrace.

I sat down and had a conversation where I told her how deeply hurt and angry, I was for the way she raised me, but now as a parent who had made his own mistake, with my children, I was beginning to see things from her point of view. I then ask her about what would happen to my father after her death. That is when my mother signed a will giving everything to Debra. I knew that I and Debra could then plan for my father’s welfare after my mother’s death.

For the first couple of years after my mother’s death, I sister Annette was in charge of Dad’s finances and she did a great job. Saving enough of Dad’s money that she could pay to reroof the garage.  It soon became too much for her when her Multiple sclerosis (MS) became too severe for her to care for Dad.  That is when I knew that it was now my turn.  I and my wife were certain, that I did not have the skills needed to manage his finances, but I pulled on my big boy pants and did it anyway.

It was in managing my fathers’ finances that I began to understand my mother’s world.  My Dad was much better at spending money than he was at earning it. I develop some online tools, with the help of the Logan Medical Federal Credit Union that me to restrict Dad’s spending habits.  This I left sufficient means in his saving account to cover his weekly pocket money while I paid the bills.  I also found he was paying extra for health insurance which was a bonus and so I canceled it. I was able to move him to better health insurance with a lower monthly cost and with better coverage.

One winter when the snow storms were at their worst my wife ask me to stay with him and come home when the weather was better. That slowing evolved over time into living with him full-time and his health declined. I would then call her nightly or leave her a text message when she got off work.  I began taking her for dinner dates on the weekend, which I had never done as the children were growing up. In a strange way, this only improved our personal relationship.

In the end, after I finished my Dad’s hospice care,I sold his house, divided the inheritance, and moved home with my wife again.

This may seem like a strange introduction to a poem about George III and a British King but it is important. Growing up I had one view of George III taught in my history classes and now I have another view of his participation in the American Revolution. My views on George III have evolved as my understanding of my relationship with my parents has evolved.

George III (George William Frederick; 4 June 1738 – 29 January 1820) inherited the British throne from his father and grandfather. Though he was a British king he was a Germain prince.  George I (George Louis; German: Georg Ludwig; 28 May 1660 – 11 June 1727) George I first had inherited the British throne after the death of his second cousin Anne Queen of Great Britain. 

As part of the Glorious Revolution of 1688, the parliament had overthrown and displaced the nominally Catholic King James II, brother of Charles II.  They then selected William of Orange as their next king.  His wife was the daughter of James II's first wife.  Part of the agreement is William could reign but not rule and in exchange, the English would support his fight with the Spanish to free the Netherlands.

If George III could reign but not overrule his parliament. If he had supported his American Colonist in opposition to his Parliament then his sons and grand-sons could then become tyrants and not constitutional monarchs.

on being a Germain prince

He was born a Germain prince. 

He, his father, and grandfather,
had ruled Great Britain,
as English Monarchs,
and Germain Princes. 

Part of the constitutional compromise,
in the English Revolution. 

As a Constitutional Monarch,
he may reign, but not rule. 

It was a representative government,
if not a democratic one, 
a rare thing in the world,
of his day. 

He stood, in a place,
between his English Subjects,
and the American Colonists. 

He had been tutored and trained,
that as a Constitutional Monarch,
he. must not be a tyrant. 

If in opposition to his parliament,
he sided with the American Colonists,
his son and grandsons,
could then become tyrants. 

How then to solve, this disagreement,
between his subjects, and his parliment
was his quandary this day.